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Paul Nelson is a creationist who promised to provide a detailed account of how he objectively measures developmental complexity "tomorrow".

Paul A. Nelson | April 7, 2004 4:45 AM I’m lecturing at the University of Maine (Orono) today, but will try to post the reply when I return to Chicago tomorrow. It’s pretty long: I think I’ll put it up at ISCID and link from here.

Since we are still waiting for his detailed account, nearly every year since then April 7 has been commemorated as Paul Nelson Day. In the spirit of the occasion, Paul Nelson Day is generally celebrated by not doing anything special.

April 7, 2011, is the 7th anniversay of this unfulfilled announcement.

Paul Nelson Day Anniversaries
2004 Ontogenetic depth (original reference to 'tomorrow')
2005 Not publicly celebrated.
2006 Not publicly celebrated.
2007 Three Years and Counting
2008 Have a querulous Paul Nelson Day!
2009 It's been five years, Paul Nelson!
2010 Happy Monkey, Paul Nelson! It's been six years now
2011 It's the 7th annual Paul Nelson Day!