Pharyngula Wiki

Piltdown Man is a recurring troll and nuisance, long since banned to the Dungeon, though he keeps evading the ban. He is very heavily Catholic, in the Opus Dei sense, and seems to have done a fair amount of scholarship; however, said scholarship was done in vacuum, and relies on the ages-old presupposition that his beliefs are correct because they are religious and he believes them. In other words, he is a fideist.

As you may expect from his name, he is also an evolution-denier. He further believes that a return to a theocratic Catholic-agrarian society (read: FEUDALISM) is in mankind's best interest. His grammar and spelling are far better than most trolls.

The more well-read members of the forum (Owlmirror, Caine, Dave M., and to a lesser extent Azuma Hazuki) are capable of standing up to him on scholastic and philosophic grounds; when pressed thus, he simply ignores their points and rambles on, a typical tactic of apologists.
